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Tennessee Craft Week is a collection of craft events and happenings across the state each October. The purpose is to connect and celebrate Craft Artists, the work they create and the businesses that support them. By focusing attention on many craft events in a short time, we shine a spotlight on the collective impact that craft has on our culture, community, and economy.  Tennessee Craft is a state-wide nonprofit organization advocating and support Tennessee crafters and artisans since 1965.  For more information on statewide Craft Week events, please visit:

Hamblen County Events

on October 6th 

Fall Fest at Fred Miller Park

            October 6th, 2 PM – Dusk

            Fred Miller Park





Celebration of American Crafts

            October 6th, 10 – 2 PM

            Downtown Farmers Market





Quilting Demonstration

            October 6th,  1 – 2:30 PM

            Rose Center Council for the Arts





Rose Quilt Guild Quilt Show 

            October 6th, 1 – 5 PM

            Rose Center Council for the Arts





Garden Thyme Herb Society Membership Drive

            October 6th, 1 – 5 PM

            Rose Center Council for the Arts



Cars, Cokes, & Crafts 

            October 6th

            Main Street Downtown




Rose Center is a non-profit organization and a Designated Agency of the Tennessee Arts Commission (TAC). The Center is located at 442 W. Second North St. in Morristown, TN. Rose Center receives major financial support from TAC and manages the Arts Builds Communities granting program, a program funded by the Tennessee General Assembly, for the seven-county Lakeway area.


Hours:  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM


Copyright ©1998-2017 Rose Center

All Rights Reserved

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