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Rose Center & Community Organizations


Whether your cultural interest is visual or performance, artistic or historical, there is a Lakeway area organization for you. Get involved as a volunteer, a financial supporter, or an audience member of one or more of the groups listed alphabetically below.

Morristown Theatre Guild Inc.

Founded in 1934, the Theatre Guild, Inc. is the longest continuously-running community theatre in the state of Tennessee.  The mission of the Theatre Guild is to inspire, nurture, challenge, amaze, educate, and empower artists and audiences in order to make the Lakeway area a more conscious and compassionate community.  The Theatre Guild stimulates, celebrates, and enhances the understanding of ourselves and others through the shared experience of live theatre by producing exciting plays and musicals marked by innovative interpretations and a reflection of our community and the world in which we live.

Encore Theatrical Company

Through live performances, Encore provides quality entertainment by creating opportunities for the artistic minds in our region to exercise, nurture, and grow their talents. By cultivating and promoting the performing arts, Encore strives to improve the quality of life in the Lakeway Area. 


From Africa to Appalachia Foundation

From Africa to Appalachia is a community-based organization dedicated to sharing the cultural, creative, and artistic spirit of African-Americans for whom Appalachia is home with the people of Upper East Tennessee.


Founded by Jovita Wells and Sammie Nicely, the Foundation sponsors the annual “From Africa to Appalachia” celebration in February at Rose Center. The Foundation also sponsors exhibits and shows during the year. Linnie Jackson and Jane Buis are co-directors.

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Hamblen County Garden Club 

Our club was originally chartered in the Fall of 1946 as The Lions Club of Morristown, Tennessee. The name was later changed to The Morristown Lions Club. We are a part of Multi-District 12 in the state of Tennessee. Our district; 12N; is made up of clubs all over upper East Tennessee. This includes the area from Louden, Tennessee through Knoxville, Tennessee to Bristol, Tennessee.   

We have one member who has been with us for over 50 years and several others have been with the club for over 40 years.

Keep Morristown-Hamblen Beautiful

"inspiring and educating people to take action EVERY DAY 
that improves and beautifies their community improvement"

“The mission of KMHB is to improve and beautify our community,” Michelle Morgan of Keep Morristown Hamblen Beautiful, said. “We do that by encouraging responsible trash disposal and recycling to protect our air and water, minimizing waste, greening and beautifying our neighborhoods. We want to educate our citizens on how they can take little steps to make a big difference.”

Morristown Art Association

The Morristown Art Association promotes and encourages the appreciation, understanding, and practice of art.  MAA sponsored events include an annual juried art show, the annual High School Art Show held at Rose Center in March, workshops taught by area artists, local festivals and arts events and more.  

Monthly meetings include programs of interest to the working artist, as well as those having an appreciation of art, are presented at each meeting.  Members are encouraged to paint an art challenge for each meeting.  Membership is open to artists and individuals having an interest in and an appreciation of art.

For more information, please call 423.581.0020


Rose Center
Service Guild

The Rose Service Guild was chartered in 1979. It continues to provide volunteer service and support necessary to the growth and development of Rose Center. Regular meetings are the 2nd Monday, September – November, January – May at 12 Noon in the Rose Center Community Room. 

Do you like to host events, decorate for the holidays, and share your love of the Arts with the community? The Rose Service Guild, chartered in 1979, develops projects that promote and sustain Rose Center. Duties include Artist Receptions, hosting the Holiday Open House, and much more. Meets once each month, typically on the second Monday, for a brown bag lunch.



HCFDW meets at 11:30AM on the 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Community Room.


HCFDW is our local chapter of the Tennessee Federation of Democratic Women, which was established on March 15, 1958 in Nashville. TNFDW promotes Democratic values and supports Democratic Party candidates for any public office: local, county, state or national.

We need every women in our area who supports Democratic values. Come, join us!! There is a place for YOU in our work!


Thank you again!

to Reconvene

 2nd Wednesday, at 11:30AM 
in the Community Room at Rose Center
​442 W 2nd N Street, Morristown, TN 37814

Rose Center is a non-profit organization and a Designated Agency of the Tennessee Arts Commission (TAC). The Center is located at 442 W. Second North St. in Morristown, TN. Rose Center receives major financial support from TAC and manages the Arts Builds Communities granting program, a program funded by the Tennessee General Assembly, for the seven-county Lakeway area.


Hours:  Monday - Friday 9 AM - 5 PM


Copyright ©1998-2017 Rose Center

All Rights Reserved

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